Sunday, October 23, 2011
6 Month Visit and & 7 Months Old!
Alexis is growing leaps and bounds. She is doing so many new things since the last post. She is holding her head up well, eating solids and any day now I think she'll figure out the crawling thing. Right now, she just rolls around and scoots to whatever she wants to get to! One thing that hasn't changed, she is still the most smiley girl I have ever seen. Since she's started to smile, she hasn't stopped. Alexis is by far the easiest baby as she hardly complains. As long as she sees you, then she is a happy girl.
At Alexis 6 month appointment she was 27 1/4", which is in the 90-95% for her age. She is a tall girl! I can't remember Ben ever being in the 90-95% for his age group. She also weighed in at 16lbs 30oz, which is 50-75% . Her head circumference is 43 1/2 cm which is also 50-75%. Her pediatrician says she is a healthy girl and hitting all of the right milestones for her age, so we're very happy with that!
In other news, a couple of weeks ago we had Alexis tube surgery for her ears. She hasn't been able to pass her right ear screening test since she was a new born and after five failed tests, she was referred to an ENT. The easiest solution for her was to get tubes. Her Dad and I both had been through this step with Ben, but it wasn't any easier. She was a smiley pie the entire morning even though she was not allowed to eat since midnight the night before. At that point she was still eating a bottle through the night, so we were really worried we would have a cranky baby. Thankfully the extra few ounces we gave her before that midnight hour helped her hang through until after the surgery. She cried a bit from the anesthesia, but after a little while she quieted down. Her post op appointment looked great and her ears are fluid free now. Hopefully at her next audiologist appointment, she will pass her hearing test. I certainly have said prayer after prayer for my little girl to hear the way she should. I hope this surgery was the correct answer.
Alexis is also loving her solids now. She started with rice cereal and quickly graduated to eating her first set of veggies and fruits. So far Alexis has eaten carrots (her first solid meal other than rice), sweet potatoes, peas, apple, pear and banana. She really picked up eating these new foods so easily and its so cute seeing her little mouth open up like a little bird for each bite. Every so often Alexis will surprise us by wanting double or even triple the amount of her usual intake. She certainly a healthy eater!
Alexis is getting more and more mobile. I am not pushing her to be like I was with Ben as I know what being more mobile means. She certainly is finding a lot of new things to play with these days including her brother's toys. While typically he doesn't mind too much (we do have our moments), it certainly is a huge change for Ben as he's used to having toys and his space as he wants them without his sister disturbing things.
Speaking of Ben, he completely loves his little sister. Ben is all boy, but he has a special soft side that only comes out when it comes to his sister. He constantly thinks about her, makes sure she's okay and tries his hardest to make her happy. When she is crying for any reason he tries to find a paci, orders us to hurry up and make her a bottle and has even brought a picture of Alexis over to her to show her what a happy baby looks like. The other day I asked Ben if he would like to have another sibling. I guess I didn't explain it very well because Ben told me he did not and that he wanted to keep Alexis. He thought I was going to trade her in for another sister or brother! How silly is he! Alexis is certainly loved by her brother and we have had several comments from family, friends and even strangers saying how doting he is on her.
Alexis certainly has meshed into our family. Its like she has always been here and I can't say enough what a sweet and beautiful little girl she is. She always has a smile for everyone she sees (minus the photographer) and it is so fun seeing her little personality emerging. I love you sweet pea!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Four Months!
Hard to believe Alexis is already four months old. She's doing great and still smiling at everyone. She certainly knows how to charm people! Alexis still is getting the hang of sleeping through the night. She'll do great a couple of nights and then another night she'll want to eat almost every hour. We don't think she has her nights mixed up, but more or less just busy growing therefore she needs more food!
Recently we just started her on some watered down rice cereal. She doesn't seem to care one way or another about it. I guess I will have to see when we start her on real solids like apples or pears to get a good reaction of her.
At Alexis' four month visit, she was 25" long (the 75th percentile), 13.9lbs (50th percentile) and her head circumference is 42 (75% percentile). She is certainly growing like a little weed!
Recently we just started her on some watered down rice cereal. She doesn't seem to care one way or another about it. I guess I will have to see when we start her on real solids like apples or pears to get a good reaction of her.
At Alexis' four month visit, she was 25" long (the 75th percentile), 13.9lbs (50th percentile) and her head circumference is 42 (75% percentile). She is certainly growing like a little weed!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Happy Three Months Alexis!
I can't believe my little girl turned three months this past week. Time has really flown these past few months. She's getting bigger and bigger and more interactive. Her family and I are so blessed to have such a wonderfully behaved baby who loves to coo at you for conversation and smiles brilliantly winning everyone's heart.
Alexis is starting to have nights where she sleeps all night, which her Mom and Dad are REALLY thankful for. She is still drinking four ounces at a time. Her favorite thing right now is to bat at her little toys on her infant seat and grab the rattle on her doll Emily. Alexis also loves to be extremely warm when she sleeps. I almost feel like I'm over dressing her, but she doesn't quite settle if she's feeling cool at all. Who knew I'd be dressing anyone in fleece pajamas in June? She requires it though. Believe me, I've tried the cotton variety but I'd better pair that with a nice warm sleep sack otherwise no one is sleeping.
This past week I started my first full week back at work. It has been extremely tough on her Mom. I think of her and miss her and her brother every moment of the day. There have been some tears, but at this moment I know I need to work and she's not noticing anything. In fact, her teachers and all the ladies at her day care go on about how much she talks to them and always has a smile for everyone. I just wish I could see those smiles all day! However, seeing her and her brother remain the highlight of day.
One highlight of today was that I went to the Dollar Store to get a few items. I bought a few presents for her brother one of which was a Pez dispenser. I didn't get Alexis anything because there was nothing there for her age. Once I picked Ben and her up from school, I told Ben that there were some presents on his seat for him. He looked at them and of course was thrilled to pieces! He then asked what I got for Alexis. I told him I didn't her anything because there just wasn't anything there. Feeling sympathetic to his sister who unknowingly got nothing looked at me, handed his Pez dispenser and said "Mom she needs this." If you know how much Ben LOVES Pez then you would know this is a big deal. I was so proud of Ben for his unselfish act of kindness, but it just goes to show how much he loves and adores his sister. I'm sure in years to come there will be fights here and there, but my prayer and wish is for them to both always see each other as friends as well as siblings. A great bond with his sister has already started and she being the smiley pie girl she is usually has a smile for him each day.
I love the little being she is becoming. I love how sweet she is and how no one but her and her brother can make her Dad grin ear to ear in pure love. I love how she smells and even how she clings to my hair when she gets a good chunk of it. Life in our family wouldn't be the same without her and I am so thankful to God she is in our lives. We love you Alexis!
Friday, May 27, 2011
I thought nothing when a kind lady came through the door two and a half days after Alexis was born to take her hearing test while we were both still in the hospital. It was a routine check for all babies. I said a quick prayer and didn't think much of it. It was only until I saw a frown on her face and her changing out a knob to her instrument when I asked what was going on. Alexis had passed the left ear screening test but was not passing the right ear hearing test so she was using a different size ear plug. While I certainly pay attention to anything my children are being tested on, that perked my ears up and I immediately felt a lump in my throat. The knob made no difference, she didn't pass. The lady assured me she would return tomorrow and perhaps she just has fluid in her right ear from the birth. She explained to me it was a common occurrence and not to worry. It was hard not to worry, but having high blood pressure issues and desperately wanting out of the hospital so I could have my whole family together again, I prayed to God for my child to pass her hearing test.
The next day a different lady came into the room. She smiled and took both ear measurements again. Again we had the same result. She could hear out of her left ear but not her right. It certainly was not the news I was expecting. We were told to come in two weeks to the hospital to have it rescreened again. Perhaps she still had fluid in her ear the technician said. I had prayed earlier, but I was certainly starting to pray now.
Two weeks went by in a blur. I was regaining my strength back from giving birth and being incredibly ill with high blood pressure issues. Alexis' Daddy and I took her in for her tests and again she failed the test just like she had two times previously. Both techs were in the room at that time and both tried it to see if one or the other could get a reading. All the while tears were streaming down my face. I had a silent conversation and told God that I need one ear to at least hear my babies when they need me, but if I could give my sweet little baby my right ear so she could have two perfect ears then please take it. I had to remind myself to breathe and not cry too hard. It may sound selfish but the blood pressure problem was still an issue. I didn't want to get worse. I didn't want something to happen to me where I had to go back into the hospital without my baby. We were told to schedule an appointment in about six weeks at a different location and have Alexis screened for an ABR (audio brainstem response test). The name sounded incredibly scary but the very sympathetic technicians both told me it was not invasive at all. I just wanted my baby to hear. Dear God, I just wanted her to hear well.
At that point since it was suppose to be a two hour test and it had to be a completely silent test I had to break down and ask my parents to watch my son. I know its sounds silly, but I didn't want to tell anyone. I did it for various reasons because I didn't have any information to give anybody, there were more tests to come and honestly I just didn't want anyone to ask me about it. I wasn't ashamed. I was in a state of helplessness that I couldn't do anything for her and felt like I somehow was the cause of her inability to hear. Maybe it was something I did while she was in utero. Maybe I didn't drink enough water. Maybe I ran around too much with my son. Maybe I should of ate more vegetables. As much as those thoughts seem ridiculous to some people, as a Mom (at least for me) you experience all sorts of "should I of " or "what if" questions when your baby is less then perfect when they are born.
The time disappeared and it was mid May and time for her to have her ABR test. It was a blessing in some ways because her test was finally here, but sad because the maternity leave was slipping by so quickly and I honestly was afraid of what the test results would be. I had prayed to God with my son (he seems to hear childrens prayers a bit more) every single day. Every moment I had to myself, I prayed for Alexis. I prayed for him to let her hear. Let my sweet girl know the noises around her like birds chirping, wind blowing and gentle melodies I tried to sing to her. The same sort of noises I didn't hear very well when I was a child who had fluid and infections going on in my own ears. I walked in nervously into Prince William Hospital with my daughter and husband by my side. I saw all sorts of advertisements for hearing aids and I did my best to block it all out. I filled out paperwork. I sat in a blur of aggressive foot tapping and trying my best to hold back the tears. It seemed like an eternity before we were called back. Alexis had to be completely quiet for the test and all day I tried in vain to keep her awake so she would nap and was sure to bring her favorite blanket so she could rest while the audiologist performed the test. The test in itself took about and hour and a half. I held my baby in a chair, swaddled in my arms and did not move a muscle. Literally I did not move A MUSCLE. I dared not skew the test in any shape or form as I wanted Alexis to have the most accurate results. It was after praying, tearing up like crazy that the audiologist (she is an angel) looked at me and told me that Alexis was not deaf but she wasn't passing the hearing test. I breathed a sigh of relief but was still extremely worried. If you whispered in her right ear, she would not hear you the audiologist told us. The next test they did a bone ABR test. This test was noninvasive, basically there were the same two pads on her forehead and pads behind each ear with the initial ABR test but this bone ABR included one more pad behind her right ear. This test was to bypass anything in her ear to see if the hearing loss was permanent or temporary. I prayed to God. I shouted in my head for him to hear my prayer. I needed him. I needed my sweet girl to be okay. I needed her to hear. The silence during the test was killing me. Finally, the audiologist looked up at me kindly and said it wasn't permanent.
Thank you God!
You have no idea how wonderful that was to hear. She was going to be okay! We then confirmed with another test that she in fact had fluid in her ears which was preventing her to hear correctly. This was fixable. However, not quite yet. We were told in 4-6 weeks time to come back and check the fluid levels, if they are good we can do the rescreening and if they are bad then we note that and come back in another 4-6 weeks. If those test show any fluids for the third time, then we will need to see an ENT for them to evaluate and figure out what the next step is going to be. Obviously they will not do anything to a baby as young as my little Alexis is, but it doesn't hurt to pick their brain. My son was due for a visit to his ENT as he has more then one ear infection in the past year and we needed to make sure the tubes he did have put in actually came out (its not good to have tubes in too long) and in this visit I can also pick his brain to see what I should expect for Alexis. I know right now we are building a history by going to see the audiologist, but I want to know what I should expect if she doesn't end up passing.
After I left the doctors office I finally felt some of the weight I've been holding on my shoulders for the past two months lift a little. My Alexis could hear. Her ear could be fixed. It is just a matter of time if the fluid drains or does she need extra help from a doctor to do that. I'm thankful to God for hearing my prayers. Obviously I would rather her never suffer hearing loss in any way, but I am so glad that it is possible for her to hear. I'm beyond thankful.
Thank you God. Thank you for letting my baby have the chance to hear.
The next day a different lady came into the room. She smiled and took both ear measurements again. Again we had the same result. She could hear out of her left ear but not her right. It certainly was not the news I was expecting. We were told to come in two weeks to the hospital to have it rescreened again. Perhaps she still had fluid in her ear the technician said. I had prayed earlier, but I was certainly starting to pray now.
Two weeks went by in a blur. I was regaining my strength back from giving birth and being incredibly ill with high blood pressure issues. Alexis' Daddy and I took her in for her tests and again she failed the test just like she had two times previously. Both techs were in the room at that time and both tried it to see if one or the other could get a reading. All the while tears were streaming down my face. I had a silent conversation and told God that I need one ear to at least hear my babies when they need me, but if I could give my sweet little baby my right ear so she could have two perfect ears then please take it. I had to remind myself to breathe and not cry too hard. It may sound selfish but the blood pressure problem was still an issue. I didn't want to get worse. I didn't want something to happen to me where I had to go back into the hospital without my baby. We were told to schedule an appointment in about six weeks at a different location and have Alexis screened for an ABR (audio brainstem response test). The name sounded incredibly scary but the very sympathetic technicians both told me it was not invasive at all. I just wanted my baby to hear. Dear God, I just wanted her to hear well.
At that point since it was suppose to be a two hour test and it had to be a completely silent test I had to break down and ask my parents to watch my son. I know its sounds silly, but I didn't want to tell anyone. I did it for various reasons because I didn't have any information to give anybody, there were more tests to come and honestly I just didn't want anyone to ask me about it. I wasn't ashamed. I was in a state of helplessness that I couldn't do anything for her and felt like I somehow was the cause of her inability to hear. Maybe it was something I did while she was in utero. Maybe I didn't drink enough water. Maybe I ran around too much with my son. Maybe I should of ate more vegetables. As much as those thoughts seem ridiculous to some people, as a Mom (at least for me) you experience all sorts of "should I of " or "what if" questions when your baby is less then perfect when they are born.
The time disappeared and it was mid May and time for her to have her ABR test. It was a blessing in some ways because her test was finally here, but sad because the maternity leave was slipping by so quickly and I honestly was afraid of what the test results would be. I had prayed to God with my son (he seems to hear childrens prayers a bit more) every single day. Every moment I had to myself, I prayed for Alexis. I prayed for him to let her hear. Let my sweet girl know the noises around her like birds chirping, wind blowing and gentle melodies I tried to sing to her. The same sort of noises I didn't hear very well when I was a child who had fluid and infections going on in my own ears. I walked in nervously into Prince William Hospital with my daughter and husband by my side. I saw all sorts of advertisements for hearing aids and I did my best to block it all out. I filled out paperwork. I sat in a blur of aggressive foot tapping and trying my best to hold back the tears. It seemed like an eternity before we were called back. Alexis had to be completely quiet for the test and all day I tried in vain to keep her awake so she would nap and was sure to bring her favorite blanket so she could rest while the audiologist performed the test. The test in itself took about and hour and a half. I held my baby in a chair, swaddled in my arms and did not move a muscle. Literally I did not move A MUSCLE. I dared not skew the test in any shape or form as I wanted Alexis to have the most accurate results. It was after praying, tearing up like crazy that the audiologist (she is an angel) looked at me and told me that Alexis was not deaf but she wasn't passing the hearing test. I breathed a sigh of relief but was still extremely worried. If you whispered in her right ear, she would not hear you the audiologist told us. The next test they did a bone ABR test. This test was noninvasive, basically there were the same two pads on her forehead and pads behind each ear with the initial ABR test but this bone ABR included one more pad behind her right ear. This test was to bypass anything in her ear to see if the hearing loss was permanent or temporary. I prayed to God. I shouted in my head for him to hear my prayer. I needed him. I needed my sweet girl to be okay. I needed her to hear. The silence during the test was killing me. Finally, the audiologist looked up at me kindly and said it wasn't permanent.
Thank you God!
You have no idea how wonderful that was to hear. She was going to be okay! We then confirmed with another test that she in fact had fluid in her ears which was preventing her to hear correctly. This was fixable. However, not quite yet. We were told in 4-6 weeks time to come back and check the fluid levels, if they are good we can do the rescreening and if they are bad then we note that and come back in another 4-6 weeks. If those test show any fluids for the third time, then we will need to see an ENT for them to evaluate and figure out what the next step is going to be. Obviously they will not do anything to a baby as young as my little Alexis is, but it doesn't hurt to pick their brain. My son was due for a visit to his ENT as he has more then one ear infection in the past year and we needed to make sure the tubes he did have put in actually came out (its not good to have tubes in too long) and in this visit I can also pick his brain to see what I should expect for Alexis. I know right now we are building a history by going to see the audiologist, but I want to know what I should expect if she doesn't end up passing.
After I left the doctors office I finally felt some of the weight I've been holding on my shoulders for the past two months lift a little. My Alexis could hear. Her ear could be fixed. It is just a matter of time if the fluid drains or does she need extra help from a doctor to do that. I'm thankful to God for hearing my prayers. Obviously I would rather her never suffer hearing loss in any way, but I am so glad that it is possible for her to hear. I'm beyond thankful.
Thank you God. Thank you for letting my baby have the chance to hear.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Two Month Check Up
Alexis had her two month check up on May 18th. I knew she was growing like a weed, but she was 10lbs 14oz (50th percentile) and grew 3 inches so she is now 23 inches long (75 percentile)! She is absolutely beautiful and such a smiley little girl. Her brother was a happy baby, but I certainly don't remember him smiling as much as Alexis smiles. She barely cries unless she thinks we aren't moving fast enough for her bottle and still has yet to learn to sleep through the night. Its so wonderful having her our life. Just look at her cute little face!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
First Dance
Alexis attended her first dance over the weekend with her brother, Dad, Mom, Nagypapa, Nagymama, Uncle, Aunt and her cousin at the Epiphany Spring Dance. It was certainly a family affair! Before we left I had to get some pictures of her all dolled up. She must of liked her new dress because she gave me her first on camera smile, which is captured above. She's such a sweetheart.
Her brother spent much of the evening running like a wild child around the dance floor with his cousin. Alexis was admired by other parishioners that haven't yet to meet her (I didn't even think that was possible per her Nagypapa showing her to everyone in previous Sundays before or after church) and those that wanted to just say hi. She certainly already has lots of onlookers watching her grow and admiring the beautiful head of hair she has as well as her sweet, beautiful little face. Alexis mainly stayed with someone who was taking a break dancing but she did make it out to the dance floor for one dance. She danced with her Daddy to Moon River. I didn't ask him to take her out there. He recognized the song from me singing it from time to time and decided to have a turn on the dance floor with his girl. I certainly got teary eyed witnessing that!
The evening ended before long as we left before ten, but it was certainly passed a little three year olds bed time. I can't wait for more dances like this. Perhaps next year she'll be walking around a little and enjoy it a little bit more. Love you sweetheart!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Alexis celebrated her major holiday already, Easter! She really could care less about it this year, but was sweet as usual. Her brother woke up bright and early and could not wait to see what the Easter bunny had brought him this year. Ben got a few cool items with the highlight being a net, a spiderman blanket and yummy candy. He was so excited he barely took any photos for me, but did take the time out to give his sister the presents she received from the Easter bunny. He is always thinking about his sister!
After we got through all the presents, we all finished getting dressed and headed out to eight o'clock liturgy. Alexis was so well behaved through all of it! Hardly a peep.
After liturgy and the blessings of the baskets, we all headed home for a while to give Ben a nap before we saw his cousin. We all later went over to Nagypapa and Nagymama's house were even more baskets were handed out. Alexis got a beautiful party dress and onesies. We had such a beautiful day celebrating with Nagypapa, Nagymama, Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric, Ty and the Schusters. I loved celebrating our new holiday with our peanut and she certainly looked beautiful in her Mom's vintage baby dress. Happy Easter!
Christ Is Risen!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Mommy and Alexis are starting to slowly venture out now that I am feeling much better. Today while big brother Ben was at school for a few hours, we went to visit Alexis' Great Grandmother. She did fantastic and her Great Grandmother couldn't be more thrilled to see her and to hold her. She also learned that Alexis and her shared a middle name and at one time her Great Grandmother was quite teary eyed that we can to visit her. My past experiences in visiting her Grandmother wasn't always very Grandmotherly like, but I am certainly elated and happy that Alexis had such a fantastic visit. I'll have to get a picture with her the next time I see her, but for now I have to post her little"rock the hawk" picture since today is the first day of the playoffs and her hair naturally curled up into a little mohawk yesterday.
Mommy loves you my sweet, precious baby girl!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Two Week Check Up
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
One Week Check Up
Today Alexis had her one week check up to make sure she was gaining the proper amount of weight. I was very surprised to see that her umbilical cord also fell off once I started undressing her at the doctors office! I swear with Ben it took at least two weeks or more. Alexis is gaining weight fine since her two day appointment where she was 6lbs 9oz as she is now is 6lbs 14 oz. She's gaining about an ounce a day and doing fantastic!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Introducing Alexis Lorraine
It is amazing to think that once you have everything planned out and couldn't possibly be surprised that God will chuckle and say, "think again". Alexis Lorraine was obviously expected. I wasn't sure when. I hoped that my water wouldn't break during work or that she would come earlier than April 1st. She came into our lives at a bit of an unexpected time labor/delivery wise, but her arrival since has brought nothing but joy. Here is her story.
On Monday, March 14th I woke up feeling cramps. It was persistent and I wasn't entirely sure what was going on. It just didn't "feel right" but it wasn't overly alarming. I sent my son and husband off to their usual Monday routine and called the doctor. They decided that they would like for me to go over to the triage room at Fair Oaks to be monitored and checked out. I decided I didn't really want to drive feeling a bit horrible, so my Mom picked me up and just in case we put my overnight bag into her car. When I arrived that mid morning, I put on a gown and monitors were started. I was having no contractions, Alexis' heart beat was as strong as it has always been, but my blood pressure was not where it should be. It was a bit surprising as my last 37 week appointment has a near perfect blood pressure reading. Dr. Bruchalski who was on call came in to talk with me and see what was going on. He decided to take some blood for labs but our conversations were light as we talked about Winston Salem and the fact my Mom and him both knew of the same obnoxious restaurant owner in Highland Falls. After a few hours, James showed up worried about me even though my Mom was there. My Mom decided she would go ahead with her day and leave us both as we both were thinking I would be going home at any point. Not ten minutes later, Dr. Bruchalski came back in stating that I had failed the blood pressure test and he was admitting me into the hospital to be induced for delivery. James and I were both taken back for a second. Delivery? The word as almost as foreign to us as if we weren't even pregnant at all. We were needlessly shocked. A few minutes later, James called my Mom (who had my bag) and told her we would need to get my overnight bag. She was just as surprised as we were.
Before long, I was walked over to the labor delivery room. I was in room 6 and immediately hooked up to the blood pressure reader, monitors and had an IV started with pitocin. My Mom showed up for a little while but left to go home and pick up Ben from day care. I was contracting well, but was warned I could potentially have a c-section due to the little progress my body had made thus far to get me ready to deliver a baby. That made me nervous. After a while, my contractions were probably around a four, but nothing I couldn't handle. Gina my nurse asked if I wanted an epidural and I told her I was fine about getting one but was not sure if it would wear off. I was told it wouldn't. Around six o'clock I got the epidural. I hate that bee sting feeling in my back, but I knew the contractions would only get stronger and more painful so I was fine enduring a bit of pain to over set what I would be feeling if I did not receive it. Thankfully I proceeded to move along nicely after that. I had my water broken (which I didn't feel at all nor even felt any wetness) around eight o'clock. I continued to labor without any pain until around 2 am. I could feel pressure with pain in my pelvic area and then it started to go lower and lower. I was worried I would feel more of that pain and asked my night nurse if I could get a booster. After I did, I only felt the pressure which I was quite thankful for. A little after four my nurse along with James held my legs and counted down my pushes. I made pretty decent progress as Dr. Bruchalski was called in soon after that. I was never sure if I was laboring too quickly or if it was a preference but they never took the other part of the bed off. I pushed for about twenty minutes and at 4:36 my life changed forever when I got to meet my beautiful, sweet princess. She weighed in at 7lbs even and at 20.5 inches long. Her Dad clamped and cut the cord, which was pretty amazing. I cried as the nurses and doctor all told me how beautiful she was and her proud Dad watched her get cleaned up. She was an absolute beauty and her parents were immediately head over heels in love with this new little creature in their lives.
The not so wonderful part is my blood pressure sky rocketed after birth. I was put on magnesium and the nurse told me I couldn't really hold Alexis. It broke my heart, but at that point I was understanding that I needed to protect her over anything that I was feeling. The magnesium didn't make me feel too well. I wasn't allowed to have a lot to drink as my mouth was dried out from the medicine anyways and I felt quite drugged. Essentially I was put on mandatory bed rest and was set up as if I was in an ICU. I was also told early on that I was not to have any visitors. After a while and the nurse shift changed, I wasn't having as horrible of a reaction to the meds as predicted (extreme nausea/vomiting) and I was told I could have the Grandparents visit. James put in a call to the Grandparents and all of them were thrilled as they were all quite disappointed that they couldn't visit at first.
Alexis' Nagypapa arrived first. He was so excited but nervous. It was sweet to see how careful he was to hold a newborn again. He talked to her about silly little things including what positions to play in baseball. It was the same conversation he had with her as he had with my Ben. He remembered. That in itself warmed my heart. Next Gaga arrived. She was thrilled as well. She told us how beautiful she was and how she kept looking at the picture we sent to the family earlier that day. Then my Mom (Nagymama) arrived and was overjoyed at meeting her first Granddaughter. The room was all smiles and that was exactly what I needed.
After 24 hours, I was thankfully taken off of the magnesium. I felt better after that and was able to eat a little after that. I was also able to hold Alexis once more, which thrilled me to pieces. Once I was stable I was moved to post partum and was able to take a shower. There is NOTHING like taking that first shower after delivering a baby. It was a short shower as I wanted to get out and hold my baby again, but it certainly gave me the relief I needed. My blood pressure still continued to be a bit of a concern, but thankfully I was able to take a blood pressure medication.
On Wednesday after school Benjamin arrived to meet his sister with his Nagymama and Nagypapa. Gaga was also present as we all wanted to see his reaction. He came into the room unsure and a little shy. If you know Ben, he certainly is a confident little boy and hardly ever shy. He was okay seeing her from the chair near the hospital bed, but he did NOT want to get on the bed even after he gave lollipops and a flower to Alexis and me and we gave him a present of cars and a spiderman coloring book. I had never been away from Ben for more then one night and wanted to have some one on one time so I sat with him in the chair as we watched a small part of a movie on tv. He soon got more comfortable and started to look through all the cabinets and drawers, which had nothing but hangers in them. He was delighted to find those "treasures" as in his world they equaled out to be "Captain Hooks". Before long he went home but he wanted his Dad and I to leave with him. It broke my heart that I couldn't just leave with him and I shed a few tears after he left.
On Thursday, we were given the okay to go home. I was still having issues with the blood pressure but was given a prescription. We came home around one o'clock. Then around 3 o'clock James picked up Ben to take him home. Ben was shy again at first but then was happy to be home with all of us once again. He really didn't bother too much with his sister but would every now and then look at her or ask where she went if one of us handed her off to the other parent. He also got to hold her, as he had requested months before she was even born if he could. He was gentle and caring. He held her for a few moments before asking politely if we could get her.
The following morning Ben was up on my bed and wanted to hold Alexis again. We complied but helped him of course. He was done within a few moments again. He then looked at his Dad and said, "Would you like to hold MY sister?" We both that was pretty amusing. He already staked his claim on her. The same day his Gaga came to visit in the evening. It was time for him to go to sleep and Gaga was holding her but she was about to also go home for the evening. Ben knew this, looked a bit worried and then told her very seriously, "You leave Alexis with Mommy". He was making sure his sister did not go anywhere. We all chuckled and reassured him she would not be going anywhere.
Alexis is one of the sweetest babies. She sleeps a ton and hardly cries about anything. She makes little hungry noises and sucks on her hands to let her know she is ready for food. She is just absolutely beautiful and so wonderful. I can't get enough of her. Even at this moment I am holding her in my arms as I am typing her story up. I just can't put her down and probably am setting myself up for one spoiled baby. However, knowing how quickly this stage comes and goes, I am relishing in how beautiful these peaceful moments are. My Alexis Lorraine is quite loved and adored already. I'm looking forward to adding more posts in her little blog and can't wait to watch her grow. I wish time would already slow down a bit but am cherishing each minute.
Welcome to the world my sweet girl. Your Mom, Dad and brother love you dearly!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Your Brother
I can't tell you enough how excited your brother is to meet you. He talks about you, says your name frequently and even picks out things for you. How sweet is he? Hopefully he will be the same when you come into this world and completely change our family for the better, but I had to write out a few things about your already evolving relationship.
First, he was the one to predict you were a girl. He never wavered about you being anything but a sister. He knew who you were from the very beginning.
Your brother is only three but he already told me he was going to protect you. I'm sort of feeling sorry for you in your dating years. I have an inkling he'll be around to make sure you're going out with the right kind of guys.
This morning when Ben woke me up, he looked at my belly and said good morning to you as well. He then said inches from my belly button, "COME OUT". I couldn't agree more. I know you're safe and warm, but your entire family is eager to meet you. Plus its getting harder and harder for your Mom to move about!
Lastly, your family was at Old Navy last night looking for socks for you and a Easter shirt for your brother. Your brother from across the store saw a dress for you that he said HAD to be yours(pictured above). He thinks of you already and wants you to have pretty things. I got it for you for next summer. What a lucky sister you are to have such a thoughtful brother!!!!
We all can't wait to meet you sweet girl! Come soon!!!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
36 Weeks
Here it is. I am finally in the last month of my pregnancy. While parts of it seemed to zoom by, now that it has hit March 1st, the days are coming to a screeching hault. I’m not sure how I feel about that. My body in one way is just done. I feel huge, achy, sore and tired. On the other hand I know how much another little being can completely change a household. I will admit I’m a little nervous about labor, delivery, birth and what it will mean for when we go home. How easily will I learn to re-juggle? How will it be once my husband goes back to work? More importantly, how will my son adapt? Don’t get me wrong though, I am in absolute and amazingly humbled that my little girl will soon be entering the world. There is always the fear of the unknown though.
Physically I’m quite healthy. My blood pressure is measuring out nicely. My weight is on cue with this pregnancy. I’ve actually gained the perfect amout of weight, which is nice since I will admit I’ve spoiled myself with an extra cookie or Reeses here or there. After a very sick first trimester, having to undergo the three hour glucose test (which I passed) and miraculously busting my butt to find a new job and all those stresses that goes with that, I figured I deserved
it every so often. Now that I hit 36 weeks, it is like on cue that the horrible back contractions have started. I remember back labor when I was induced with my son. It was a throbbing, annoying pain that really never went away. I saw an epidural in my future and knew at some point I’d get it and therefore stayed focus on the marvelousness of the epidural’s magic powers that would eventually come to me. However with these back contraction episodes, it catches you off guard and it feels like a knife is stabbing you over and over again. The first time it hit I was unprepared and thus fought it. Bad idea. It literally left me shaking in pain and I was home alone with a three year old. Uncool. The subsequent times it has happened, I’ve learned to mediate and work it out which in turn seems to not last as long nor get as bad. The downer side is it still happens without too much warning and having to pull over on my way to work several times this
week has become a bit annoying. I’ll take my epidural now please.
I will admit I am quite nervous about labor and delivery. I ideally would like to get my long list of stuff accomplished first. It is dwindling down as my patient husband and I work diligently on it each night when we get home from work. I would also like in my little ideal world to have it start by my water breaking while I’m taking a shower or bath so I create as little mess as possible and I’ve had a chance to wash my hair. I really really REALLY do not want my water breaking at work. I also don’t want to have to start timing my contractions at work either, but in that case I’ll go home if that business starts happening. I just rather it happen while my husband and I are both home so I’m not driving anywhere. I hate leaving my car places….and I am NOT driving to the hospital by myself. I know. I know. I’m quite demanding but hopeful! I also am wondering how long this labor will take until I deliver. Will it be quick? Will the epidural take? How big will my daughter be? Will she be okay? Will I remember to bring the camera? There are a lot of questions and concerns!
I’ll also need to re-juggle things once more. In every day life you learn to re-juggle all the crud that is thrown at you. I guess I’ll just figure it out! As far as my relationship with my son and my
daughters goes, I hope he loves her. I think he already does given how protective he already is and how much he loves being called a big brother. My son is a very active little boy, but man does he have a caring protective nature about him. He notices things. He watches out for things and if it isn’t just so or isn’t fair, he will tell you. I can’t tell you how many times he’s decided his Dad was cold so he brought over a blanket for him or the little pride on his face when he does something cool like cleaning up dishes or something along those lines. He has the making to be a great brother. He already is a pretty terrific son. I just want to make usre he knows he isn’t second and that he’s just as special. My husband and I balance things pretty well so I’m pretty sure he’ll be good to go. Do I expect hiccups? Yes. Do I expect there may be some jealousy? Some. My son is pretty nonchalant and easy going, so as long as we balance turns (turns are big in our little house) and give some special time just for him which I am already planning on. Babies to require lots of attention but he also doesn’t require being babied and actually hates it when I do baby him too much.
So I guess I’m ready. Ready to see what how this little girl will change my world, my husbands world and her brothers world. I want to do everything possible for my children. I want them to hopefully be great friends some day. I can’t wait to see how much a daughter changes my already softy of a husband. I cringe at guessing what her hair will look like the mornings I’m not there. It will be fun to see the relationship my children will have. It is just going to be another amazing journey in our lives together. I'm humbled. Nothing is more awesome then being rich in family and love.
I'll see you soon Alexis!
Physically I’m quite healthy. My blood pressure is measuring out nicely. My weight is on cue with this pregnancy. I’ve actually gained the perfect amout of weight, which is nice since I will admit I’ve spoiled myself with an extra cookie or Reeses here or there. After a very sick first trimester, having to undergo the three hour glucose test (which I passed) and miraculously busting my butt to find a new job and all those stresses that goes with that, I figured I deserved
it every so often. Now that I hit 36 weeks, it is like on cue that the horrible back contractions have started. I remember back labor when I was induced with my son. It was a throbbing, annoying pain that really never went away. I saw an epidural in my future and knew at some point I’d get it and therefore stayed focus on the marvelousness of the epidural’s magic powers that would eventually come to me. However with these back contraction episodes, it catches you off guard and it feels like a knife is stabbing you over and over again. The first time it hit I was unprepared and thus fought it. Bad idea. It literally left me shaking in pain and I was home alone with a three year old. Uncool. The subsequent times it has happened, I’ve learned to mediate and work it out which in turn seems to not last as long nor get as bad. The downer side is it still happens without too much warning and having to pull over on my way to work several times this
week has become a bit annoying. I’ll take my epidural now please.
I will admit I am quite nervous about labor and delivery. I ideally would like to get my long list of stuff accomplished first. It is dwindling down as my patient husband and I work diligently on it each night when we get home from work. I would also like in my little ideal world to have it start by my water breaking while I’m taking a shower or bath so I create as little mess as possible and I’ve had a chance to wash my hair. I really really REALLY do not want my water breaking at work. I also don’t want to have to start timing my contractions at work either, but in that case I’ll go home if that business starts happening. I just rather it happen while my husband and I are both home so I’m not driving anywhere. I hate leaving my car places….and I am NOT driving to the hospital by myself. I know. I know. I’m quite demanding but hopeful! I also am wondering how long this labor will take until I deliver. Will it be quick? Will the epidural take? How big will my daughter be? Will she be okay? Will I remember to bring the camera? There are a lot of questions and concerns!
I’ll also need to re-juggle things once more. In every day life you learn to re-juggle all the crud that is thrown at you. I guess I’ll just figure it out! As far as my relationship with my son and my
daughters goes, I hope he loves her. I think he already does given how protective he already is and how much he loves being called a big brother. My son is a very active little boy, but man does he have a caring protective nature about him. He notices things. He watches out for things and if it isn’t just so or isn’t fair, he will tell you. I can’t tell you how many times he’s decided his Dad was cold so he brought over a blanket for him or the little pride on his face when he does something cool like cleaning up dishes or something along those lines. He has the making to be a great brother. He already is a pretty terrific son. I just want to make usre he knows he isn’t second and that he’s just as special. My husband and I balance things pretty well so I’m pretty sure he’ll be good to go. Do I expect hiccups? Yes. Do I expect there may be some jealousy? Some. My son is pretty nonchalant and easy going, so as long as we balance turns (turns are big in our little house) and give some special time just for him which I am already planning on. Babies to require lots of attention but he also doesn’t require being babied and actually hates it when I do baby him too much.
So I guess I’m ready. Ready to see what how this little girl will change my world, my husbands world and her brothers world. I want to do everything possible for my children. I want them to hopefully be great friends some day. I can’t wait to see how much a daughter changes my already softy of a husband. I cringe at guessing what her hair will look like the mornings I’m not there. It will be fun to see the relationship my children will have. It is just going to be another amazing journey in our lives together. I'm humbled. Nothing is more awesome then being rich in family and love.
I'll see you soon Alexis!
Friday, January 21, 2011
30 Weeks
Alexis and I have hit that thirty week mark and boy do I certainly feel her little kicks and jabs at this point. She is pretty quiet but when annoyed (her brother squishing my belly by sitting up against it), she puts up a little fight of her own and kicks right back! I already sense her being calmer like her Dad as she is less active then her brother was in my belly, but this girl certainly won’t take any bull from her brother. Go Alexis!
At this point in my pregnancy, I am feeling okay. I can’t breathe as well as everything is growing LARGER and LARGER, pushing my lungs way up into my chest. My lungs literally feel like they are in my throat. I have had some pains here and there as I was probably doing too much. My ankles are a little swollen. I have some carpel tunnel and I’m a bit anemic. In all, nothing that is too drastic, just a bit uncomfortable. I am at that awkward stage of my pregnancy where I just can’t get 100% comfortable any longer. It is alright since I get little reminders every so often from my little dancing girl that she is growing stronger each day.
Alexis’s Daddy is really getting excited. I think he has started nesting too as he is busy finishing weekly projects around the house. He certainly is a huge help to me with all the things I would
personally like to get done around the house! Last night he asked me how much I think Alexis will weigh. What was my initial gut reaction? She’ll weigh a little bit more than her brother. Maybe she will weigh in at the low end of the 7lb mark. Maybe it is just wishful thinking. Alexis, have mercy on me and please don’t be a 10lb baby! I want you healthy, but be kind to your Mom!
Benjamin is the most ready of all. He sees other babies now and thinks that those people have our baby. He’s really quite cute about it. Just last weekend when we were in church he saw a small infant and said, “hey that’s my baby!” He can’t wait to meet Alexis and he really wants to hold her (with Mom or Dad’s help of course). Yesterday on the way home from day care he informed me that his Daddy wasn’t mine, but he was Alexis and his Daddy. I think it is his first time really coming out and bringing her up in conversation. He is certainly staking his claim for his sister and himself!
Recently I also discovered that Alexis name not only means “defender and protector” (which I knew before) but it also means “noble”. I thought that was pretty special since her Dad’s name has the same meaning. We didn’t plan it that way, but it was meant to be!
For now I am counting down in single digits the weeks to my little Alexis’s arrival. I can not wait! I want to enjoy this time period as much as I can, but I hope my sweet little girl doesn’t keep me waiting past her due date. Her Daddy, brother and I just can’t wait to meet her!
At this point in my pregnancy, I am feeling okay. I can’t breathe as well as everything is growing LARGER and LARGER, pushing my lungs way up into my chest. My lungs literally feel like they are in my throat. I have had some pains here and there as I was probably doing too much. My ankles are a little swollen. I have some carpel tunnel and I’m a bit anemic. In all, nothing that is too drastic, just a bit uncomfortable. I am at that awkward stage of my pregnancy where I just can’t get 100% comfortable any longer. It is alright since I get little reminders every so often from my little dancing girl that she is growing stronger each day.
Alexis’s Daddy is really getting excited. I think he has started nesting too as he is busy finishing weekly projects around the house. He certainly is a huge help to me with all the things I would
personally like to get done around the house! Last night he asked me how much I think Alexis will weigh. What was my initial gut reaction? She’ll weigh a little bit more than her brother. Maybe she will weigh in at the low end of the 7lb mark. Maybe it is just wishful thinking. Alexis, have mercy on me and please don’t be a 10lb baby! I want you healthy, but be kind to your Mom!
Benjamin is the most ready of all. He sees other babies now and thinks that those people have our baby. He’s really quite cute about it. Just last weekend when we were in church he saw a small infant and said, “hey that’s my baby!” He can’t wait to meet Alexis and he really wants to hold her (with Mom or Dad’s help of course). Yesterday on the way home from day care he informed me that his Daddy wasn’t mine, but he was Alexis and his Daddy. I think it is his first time really coming out and bringing her up in conversation. He is certainly staking his claim for his sister and himself!
Recently I also discovered that Alexis name not only means “defender and protector” (which I knew before) but it also means “noble”. I thought that was pretty special since her Dad’s name has the same meaning. We didn’t plan it that way, but it was meant to be!
For now I am counting down in single digits the weeks to my little Alexis’s arrival. I can not wait! I want to enjoy this time period as much as I can, but I hope my sweet little girl doesn’t keep me waiting past her due date. Her Daddy, brother and I just can’t wait to meet her!
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