It is amazing to think that once you have everything planned out and couldn't possibly be surprised that God will chuckle and say, "think again". Alexis Lorraine was obviously expected. I wasn't sure when. I hoped that my water wouldn't break during work or that she would come earlier than April 1st. She came into our lives at a bit of an unexpected time labor/delivery wise, but her arrival since has brought nothing but joy. Here is her story.
On Monday, March 14th I woke up feeling cramps. It was persistent and I wasn't entirely sure what was going on. It just didn't "feel right" but it wasn't overly alarming. I sent my son and husband off to their usual Monday routine and called the doctor. They decided that they would like for me to go over to the triage room at Fair Oaks to be monitored and checked out. I decided I didn't really want to drive feeling a bit horrible, so my Mom picked me up and just in case we put my overnight bag into her car. When I arrived that mid morning, I put on a gown and monitors were started. I was having no contractions, Alexis' heart beat was as strong as it has always been, but my blood pressure was not where it should be. It was a bit surprising as my last 37 week appointment has a near perfect blood pressure reading. Dr. Bruchalski who was on call came in to talk with me and see what was going on. He decided to take some blood for labs but our conversations were light as we talked about Winston Salem and the fact my Mom and him both knew of the same obnoxious restaurant owner in Highland Falls. After a few hours, James showed up worried about me even though my Mom was there. My Mom decided she would go ahead with her day and leave us both as we both were thinking I would be going home at any point. Not ten minutes later, Dr. Bruchalski came back in stating that I had failed the blood pressure test and he was admitting me into the hospital to be induced for delivery. James and I were both taken back for a second. Delivery? The word as almost as foreign to us as if we weren't even pregnant at all. We were needlessly shocked. A few minutes later, James called my Mom (who had my bag) and told her we would need to get my overnight bag. She was just as surprised as we were.
Before long, I was walked over to the labor delivery room. I was in room 6 and immediately hooked up to the blood pressure reader, monitors and had an IV started with pitocin. My Mom showed up for a little while but left to go home and pick up Ben from day care. I was contracting well, but was warned I could potentially have a c-section due to the little progress my body had made thus far to get me ready to deliver a baby. That made me nervous. After a while, my contractions were probably around a four, but nothing I couldn't handle. Gina my nurse asked if I wanted an epidural and I told her I was fine about getting one but was not sure if it would wear off. I was told it wouldn't. Around six o'clock I got the epidural. I hate that bee sting feeling in my back, but I knew the contractions would only get stronger and more painful so I was fine enduring a bit of pain to over set what I would be feeling if I did not receive it. Thankfully I proceeded to move along nicely after that. I had my water broken (which I didn't feel at all nor even felt any wetness) around eight o'clock. I continued to labor without any pain until around 2 am. I could feel pressure with pain in my pelvic area and then it started to go lower and lower. I was worried I would feel more of that pain and asked my night nurse if I could get a booster. After I did, I only felt the pressure which I was quite thankful for. A little after four my nurse along with James held my legs and counted down my pushes. I made pretty decent progress as Dr. Bruchalski was called in soon after that. I was never sure if I was laboring too quickly or if it was a preference but they never took the other part of the bed off. I pushed for about twenty minutes and at 4:36 my life changed forever when I got to meet my beautiful, sweet princess. She weighed in at 7lbs even and at 20.5 inches long. Her Dad clamped and cut the cord, which was pretty amazing. I cried as the nurses and doctor all told me how beautiful she was and her proud Dad watched her get cleaned up. She was an absolute beauty and her parents were immediately head over heels in love with this new little creature in their lives.

The not so wonderful part is my blood pressure sky rocketed after birth. I was put on magnesium and the nurse told me I couldn't really hold Alexis. It broke my heart, but at that point I was understanding that I needed to protect her over anything that I was feeling. The magnesium didn't make me feel too well. I wasn't allowed to have a lot to drink as my mouth was dried out from the medicine anyways and I felt quite drugged. Essentially I was put on mandatory bed rest and was set up as if I was in an ICU. I was also told early on that I was not to have any visitors. After a while and the nurse shift changed, I wasn't having as horrible of a reaction to the meds as predicted (extreme nausea/vomiting) and I was told I could have the Grandparents visit. James put in a call to the Grandparents and all of them were thrilled as they were all quite disappointed that they couldn't visit at first.

Alexis' Nagypapa arrived first. He was so excited but nervous. It was sweet to see how careful he was to hold a newborn again. He talked to her about silly little things including what positions to play in baseball. It was the same conversation he had with her as he had with my Ben. He remembered. That in itself warmed my heart. Next Gaga arrived. She was thrilled as well. She told us how beautiful she was and how she kept looking at the picture we sent to the family earlier that day. Then my Mom (Nagymama) arrived and was overjoyed at meeting her first Granddaughter. The room was all smiles and that was exactly what I needed.
After 24 hours, I was thankfully taken off of the magnesium. I felt better after that and was able to eat a little after that. I was also able to hold Alexis once more, which thrilled me to pieces. Once I was stable I was moved to post partum and was able to take a shower. There is NOTHING like taking that first shower after delivering a baby. It was a short shower as I wanted to get out and hold my baby again, but it certainly gave me the relief I needed. My blood pressure still continued to be a bit of a concern, but thankfully I was able to take a blood pressure medication.
On Wednesday after school Benjamin arrived to meet his sister with his Nagymama and Nagypapa. Gaga was also present as we all wanted to see his reaction. He came into the room unsure and a little shy. If you know Ben, he certainly is a confident little boy and hardly ever shy. He was okay seeing her from the chair near the hospital bed, but he did NOT want to get on the bed even after he gave lollipops and a flower to Alexis and me and we gave him a present of cars and a spiderman coloring book. I had never been away from Ben for more then one night and wanted to have some one on one time so I sat with him in the chair as we watched a small part of a movie on tv. He soon got more comfortable and started to look through all the cabinets and drawers, which had nothing but hangers in them. He was delighted to find those "treasures" as in his world they equaled out to be "Captain Hooks". Before long he went home but he wanted his Dad and I to leave with him. It broke my heart that I couldn't just leave with him and I shed a few tears after he left.

On Thursday, we were given the okay to go home. I was still having issues with the blood pressure but was given a prescription. We came home around one o'clock. Then around 3 o'clock James picked up Ben to take him home. Ben was shy again at first but then was happy to be home with all of us once again. He really didn't bother too much with his sister but would every now and then look at her or ask where she went if one of us handed her off to the other parent. He also got to hold her, as he had requested months before she was even born if he could. He was gentle and caring. He held her for a few moments before asking politely if we could get her.
The following morning Ben was up on my bed and wanted to hold Alexis again. We complied but helped him of course. He was done within a few moments again. He then looked at his Dad and said, "Would you like to hold MY sister?" We both that was pretty amusing. He already staked his claim on her. The same day his Gaga came to visit in the evening. It was time for him to go to sleep and Gaga was holding her but she was about to also go home for the evening. Ben knew this, looked a bit worried and then told her very seriously, "You leave Alexis with Mommy". He was making sure his sister did not go anywhere. We all chuckled and reassured him she would not be going anywhere.
Alexis is one of the sweetest babies. She sleeps a ton and hardly cries about anything. She makes little hungry noises and sucks on her hands to let her know she is ready for food. She is just absolutely beautiful and so wonderful. I can't get enough of her. Even at this moment I am holding her in my arms as I am typing her story up. I just can't put her down and probably am setting myself up for one spoiled baby. However, knowing how quickly this stage comes and goes, I am relishing in how beautiful these peaceful moments are. My Alexis Lorraine is quite loved and adored already. I'm looking forward to adding more posts in her little blog and can't wait to watch her grow. I wish time would already slow down a bit but am cherishing each minute.
Welcome to the world my sweet girl. Your Mom, Dad and brother love you dearly!