Alexis and I have hit that thirty week mark and boy do I certainly feel her little kicks and jabs at this point. She is pretty quiet but when annoyed (her brother squishing my belly by sitting up against it), she puts up a little fight of her own and kicks right back! I already sense her being calmer like her Dad as she is less active then her brother was in my belly, but this girl certainly won’t take any bull from her brother. Go Alexis!
At this point in my pregnancy, I am feeling okay. I can’t breathe as well as everything is growing LARGER and LARGER, pushing my lungs way up into my chest. My lungs literally feel like they are in my throat. I have had some pains here and there as I was probably doing too much. My ankles are a little swollen. I have some carpel tunnel and I’m a bit anemic. In all, nothing that is too drastic, just a bit uncomfortable. I am at that awkward stage of my pregnancy where I just can’t get 100% comfortable any longer. It is alright since I get little reminders every so often from my little dancing girl that she is growing stronger each day.
Alexis’s Daddy is really getting excited. I think he has started nesting too as he is busy finishing weekly projects around the house. He certainly is a huge help to me with all the things I would
personally like to get done around the house! Last night he asked me how much I think Alexis will weigh. What was my initial gut reaction? She’ll weigh a little bit more than her brother. Maybe she will weigh in at the low end of the 7lb mark. Maybe it is just wishful thinking. Alexis, have mercy on me and please don’t be a 10lb baby! I want you healthy, but be kind to your Mom!
Benjamin is the most ready of all. He sees other babies now and thinks that those people have our baby. He’s really quite cute about it. Just last weekend when we were in church he saw a small infant and said, “hey that’s my baby!” He can’t wait to meet Alexis and he really wants to hold her (with Mom or Dad’s help of course). Yesterday on the way home from day care he informed me that his Daddy wasn’t mine, but he was Alexis and his Daddy. I think it is his first time really coming out and bringing her up in conversation. He is certainly staking his claim for his sister and himself!
Recently I also discovered that Alexis name not only means “defender and protector” (which I knew before) but it also means “noble”. I thought that was pretty special since her Dad’s name has the same meaning. We didn’t plan it that way, but it was meant to be!
For now I am counting down in single digits the weeks to my little Alexis’s arrival. I can not wait! I want to enjoy this time period as much as I can, but I hope my sweet little girl doesn’t keep me waiting past her due date. Her Daddy, brother and I just can’t wait to meet her!